some good text quotes

Some text quotes from my phone,

1. One of the simplest ways to stay happy… just let go of the things that make you sad…

2. We don’t choose the person we fall for or get attracted with. It just hits us like a speeding bullet. We couldn’t feel it at first unless we see ourselves bleeding.

3. Certain things may catch your eyes but pursue only those that capture your heart.

4. Life is never about the people who act true in front of you… It is always about the people who remain true behind your back.

5. There’s always a possibility that a person can get attracted to another. Its human nature, its not wrong but that’s why you are in a commitment, you discipline yourself. One may get attracted to numerous aspects and its ok as long as you don’t nurse the feeling and won’t do something about it.  Borderline between cheating & faithfulness: recognize the reality that you already have the person who can give you more than what you get for the cheap thrills of attraction.

6. Not everything is meant to be, but everything is worth a try.

7. Don’t focus on what you lost, but what remains. Don’t focus on the pain, but on how the pain is shaping your character. Don’t focus on the failure, but on the great lessons learned.

8. If the sun shines in your soul, does it matter if it rains outside? Happiness within overlooks any sadness the outside world may bring.

9. Sometimes someone comes along and makes you doubt your love to someone. They’re not better, they’re just different. Think about it.

10. God gave us to gifts; one is choice, second is chance. The choice of a good life and the chance to make it best.

11. A true friend is someone who does not only share his/her treasure but someone who makes you see your own.

~ by myfinalheaven on March 10, 2010.

One Response to “some good text quotes”

  1. wow!!! life is so meaningful and full of mystery!!!!

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